Our Mission
Yadav Association of Canada is a non-for-profit organization for the Yadav community residing in Canada. Located in Toronto, Ontario, with the primary objective of providing networking and support to new immigrants. The YAOC strives to offer networking opportunities to its members by organizing regular events and parties. YAOC was formed 8 years ago, with the idea of having a common forum where the members could meet, exchange views and interact personally with the other community members. This organization also provides an ideal opportunity to the members and their respective families to participate in festive celebrations like Holi and Diwali.
YAOC Events: 2018
Weekly Voice coverage on Dr Shashi Kant's Felicitation Party
Good news for all YAOC members....
The Weekly Voice, which is a South Asian newspaper, has covered the event hosted by YAOC - the felicitation party of Dr. Shashi Kant that was held on July 14, 2018. The newspaper will include a news article based on the event in its A-10 section of July 20th 2018 publication. Its a proud moment for all of us.
Check the article online by clicking the link here on the right >> Online Article Link
Celebration in the Honour of Dr. Shashi Kant on July 14, 2018
Event details:
Date: July 14, 2018 (Saturday)
Time: 6:45 PM to 11 PM
Place of event: South Fletcher's Sportsplex
Youth Room, 500 Ray Lawson Blvd, Brampton, ON L6Y 5B3
Phone: (905) 874-2856
YAOC would like to thank you for attending the celebration party held in the honor of Dr Shashi Kant's achievement. We were graced by your presence at the event and hope you enjoyed, and we look forward to seeing you at the next event.
Click the following link to check the pics from the event >> Pics and Vidz
YAOC Events in: 2016
Dr. Shashi Kant has recently been awarded with the Order of Ontario, which is province's highest honour.
We here at YAOC are extremely proud of this achievement and will be celebrating this huge accomplishment on July 14th 2018.
YAOC will be organizing a 10 KM Walkathon to raise community awareness about ASD and raise funds towards Sick kids Hospital, Toronto.
Event details:
Date: October 22, 2016 Saturday
Starting time: 11 AM , Ending time: 2 PM
Place of event: Meadowvale Village Park, 1081 Old Derry Road West, Mississauga, L5N 6R4
Community Event organized by YAOC to support for the cause of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Fund Raising for Children's at Sick Kids Hospital, Toronto on October 22, 2016 Saturday, Meadowvale Village Park, Mississauga.
Diwali CELEBRATION- November 5, 2016, Saturday
YAOC is very pleased to inform that we will be organizing Diwali function on November 5, 2016 Saturday. Please find the function details as following,
Venue details/timings
Professor lake Recreation Centre
1660 N Park Dr, Brampton,
ON L6S 5S8
Date: Saturday, November 5, 2016
Timings: 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm
YAOC Events- 2015
Community Event organized by YAOC to support for the cause of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) on October 24, 2015 Saturday, Meadowvale Village Park, Mississauga .
YAOC will be organizing a 10 KM Walkathon to raise community awareness about ASD and raise funds towards community support services at the Kerry's place Autism Services. Kerry's Place is Canada's largest provider of ASD supports and services.
Event details: Date: October 24, 2015 Saturday, Starting time: 11 AM , Ending time: 2 PM Place of event: Meadowvale Village Park, 1081 Old Derry Road West, Mississauga, L5N 6R4
Yadav Association of Canada (YAOC) is a Canadian Registered Not for Profit Organization( NPO: 454815-9)established in 2009.The purpose of YADAV Association of Canada is to promote community's social, cultural customs,values and traditions among the new Canadians and to provide opportunities to the community members to integrate with other communities and assimilate their unique socio-cultural values in Canada.
The Association organize programs, activities and target young community members to promote the values, traditions, heritage, art & culture. The Association provide them a platform to learn about challanges and opportunities in educational, technological, business and social work areas so that community members can enhance their knowledge, skills and provide meaningful contribution to the society.